Our aim is to maintain and continually improve the Santa Gertrudis breed in Australia, and to help our members improve their herd and their business with Santa Gertrudis.
As such, we love hearing about the success stories and improvements that our members have experienced.
See what people are saying about Santa Gertrudis below, or to view some more in-depth articles, view our featured advertorial stories.
"We’ve found Santas to be very productive even through tough times, they’ll always put 100 percent into their calves, we’ve always had good weaners even in the dryer seasons. When the time comes to be growing out to the feeders, they always seem to be able to perform for us in any environment we put them into."
"We’ve been breeding Santa’s for 30 years. We continue with the Santas as they are hardy through the drought, and very reactive through the good season and work well for our certified organics organisation, as they manage to avoid a lot of diseases and illnesses. Our heifer calving rates are really high and they are extremely maternal, being great mothers from the start, and always producing great calves no matter the seasons"

Adma Sargood
"Halton", Charleville QLD
“Strong healthy calves mean a higher percentage from birth to weaning and ultimately more profit in our pocket. Weight equals profit and we are extremely happy with the weights our cattle are attaining."
"We commenced with the first cross with Santa Gertrudis, however with the size of herd it meant maintaining a first cross cow herd wasn’t a viable option for us, eventually we aim be running a pure Santa Gertrudis commercial herd."
"Santa’s are found from top to bottom of Australia, so I believe where we are located makes them an ideal breed for our conditions. They are very adaptable to a wide range of climatic conditions, through all four seasons. They’re extremely good foragers, due to their excellent walking ability which allows them to travel for food and water.”

Tim O'Gorman
"Goolhi", Gunnedah NSW
“I like Santas, they’re good all round cattle, they calve easily, they’re terrific mothers, possess great temperament, feed conversion and market suitability and acceptance. They’re low maintenance cattle that perform on good feed but can also handle heat and tough conditions. Our hilly country can be pretty tough, however our cattle use every acre of it, they forage walk out, nd feed and utilise it"

James Wippell
“Mayfield”, Bundella NSW
"The Santa experience obviously worked for me & I think that is a good way to describe it. Having a Shorthorn base, we kept our better cows and introduced Santa bulls. The progeny has been marvelous and we now have a pure Santa herd”.
“The most pleasing aspect has been their ability to forage and maintain body weight relative to the seasonal changes. In our country when it’s dry it’s dry, Santas exceeded our expectations, they’re tough, their ability to forage in dry times and they perform well unsupervised”. “We’ve been fortunate enough to have had a run of two or three good seasons, we recently sold a number of steers, weaners and older cows and we’re ecstatic with the result."
“I’d recommend Santa Gertrudis to other producers because they’re the complete package, they look good, they’re placid, easy calvers, great mothers and their conversion of feed to weight is fantastic in good times and they’re ability to adapt when the seasons are against us”.

John Dunk
"Warroo", Hungerford QLD