Maintaining & Improving The Breed
The Santa Gertrudis Standard of Excellence is measured under 4 categories.
- Breed character
- Functional efficiency
- Conformation
- Colour
Individual animals may be rejected when presented for classification due to an absence of “Desirable” characteristics and shall be rejected for manifestations of “Undesirable” characteristics considered to be extreme or for hereditary or non-hereditary deformities and/or abnormalities and/or objectionable characteristics, examples of which (not intended to be exclusive) are set out in the “Disqualification” column below.
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Showing true Santa Gertrudis type | Lacking Santa Gertrudis type | ||
1. Fertility | Longevity Cows - feminine, regular calving Bulls - masculine, virile, high libido | Irregular calving Cows - lacking femininity Bulls lacking masculinity | Hernia, malformed genitalia. Abnormal reproductive organs. |
2. Sheath & Navel | Retracted prepuce, small orifice, flat medium sized navel flap. Less than 45 degree angle from the horizontal. | Loose, parietal prepuce. Large navel flap. Open Orifice. | Bulls with sheaths extending below the H to K line (the imaginary line between the break in the rear (lower) Hock and the break in the Knee). Non-retractable prepuce. Abnormal or excessive sheath and/or navel structure. |
3. Testicles | Adequate size. Good conformation and tone. | Too small or too large. Pendulous. Tied. Permanently retracted. Unsatisfactory conformation and/or tone. | Cryptorchid |
4. Udder & Teats | Well attached, balanced. Fine teats of moderate length. | Meaty and/or loosely attached udder. Large teats. Large supernumerary teats. | Very large or bottle teats. Excessive udder. |
5. Disposition | Alert, easily managed. | Nervous | Extremely nervous and/or aggressive |
6. Size | Well grown for age, fast gaining. | Lacking growth or weight for age. | |
7. Hair (dependent on environment) | Short. straight, slick coat. | Excessive curly or coarse hair. | |
8. Hide | Loose, vascular, moveable. | Tight, thick. Excessive skin folds. | |
9. Legs | Squarely set, sound joints. | Bow legged. Post legged. Calf kneed. Straight hind pasterns that don`t flex. Straight and/or Sickle hocked. Cow hocked. Low pasterns. | |
10. Feet and Hoofs | Even claws, solid dark pigment. | pigment. Turned out. Pigeon toed. Uneven claws. Light or multi-coloured pigmentation. Low heels. | |
1. General Form or Type | Symmetrical, balanced, thick, long and deep bodied, well sprung ribs, muscular. Good bone, strong legs with free movement; males thicker and well muscled; females refined in forequarter | Flat sided, coarse and rough. Light boned. Lack of free movement. | |
2. Head | Showing masculinity or femininity according to sex; broad, slightly convex forehead, straight profile. | Long and narrow, dish face. Short. | Wry |
a. Horns | Horned or Polled | ||
b. Ears | Medium to large size, slightly drooping, open forward. | Small upward pointing. | Vestigial ears. |
c. Eyes | Clear, moderately hooded, strongly pigmented. | Recessed. prominent. Fat polyps. | Entropian |
d. Muzzle | Broad and large | Narrow, smutty nose | Wry nose Black - Overshot or undershot jaw. |
3. Neck | Smooth attachment Good extension | U neck, very short | |
4. Shoulder | Free moving, smooth and well-muscled. Bulls - thick, well defined, heavy muscling. Cows - smooth, with moderate muscling. | Open or prominent. Straight, high | |
5. Brisket | Moderately broad | Excessive fat, downward sloping. Narrow. | |
6. Heart Girth | Deep, broad, full. | Pinched | |
7. Back | Broad, strong | Sway back | Roach back. Fish back. |
8. Loin | Broad, full | Narrow, weak | |
9. Ribs | Well sprung | Flat sided | |
10. Hips | Broad, somewhat rounded on top | Prominent | |
11. Rump | Long, broad, moderate slope - hip to pin - | Square. High sacral bone. Recessed tail insertion. | Short, narrow, droopy |
12. Tail | Smooth insertion, good switch, thick and long. | Short, thin. | Tail deformities eg. wry. |
13. Hind Quarters | Broad, muscular, wide between pins. Bulls - thick and well muscled Cows - deep with moderate muscling. | Narrow, high twist. | Double muscling. |
D. COLOUR | |||
1. Coat | Solid Santa Gertrudis Red (Light or dark) | Occasional white hairs falling short of roan condition. Dilution, light or dark spots in other areas. Very light red. Blackish red. Birth marks. | White spots out of underline. White underline exceeding 25% of the total area. Fawn or cream colour. Brindling or roan condition. Black hair. White forward of the front legs and behind the udder. |
2. Skin | Red pigmentation | Some black | Solid black |
The Breed
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