Results - Cree Sale 2019
Friday August 30th, 2019
55 bulls sold grossing $441,500. 71% clearance
Average Price:$8,027
Full Results
55 Bulls sold to average $8,027, grossing $441,500. 71% clearance rate.
Top Price:Lot 1, Cree King N216 (P) selling for $20,000 to Sean Dillon, Surbiton Station, Alpha, Qld
Second Top Price:Lot 5, Cree King N202 sold for $15,000 to Daandine Pastural Coy, Gwambegwine, Taroom
Lot 11, Cree Pancho P144 (P) for $15,000 to Walker Family, Strathmore, Blackall.
Lot 11, Cree Pancho P144 (P) for $15,000 to Walker Family, Strathmore, Blackall.